Side Effects Of Low Testosterone

Medically Reviewed by Dr Sravya, MBBS, MS 


side effects of low testosterone

Testosterone is a hormone found in humans. Men have higher testosterone levels than women. Production increases during puberty and begins to decline after age 30. Every year over the age of 30, men’s testosterone levels begin to slowly decline at a rate of about 1 percent per year. A drop in testosterone levels is a normal occurrence or consequence of aging. Because testosterone affects so many functions, a drop in it can cause significant physical and emotional changes. Here, we will see the Causes, Diagnosis, treatment, and side effects of low testosterone.

Table of Contents

Causes of Low Testosterone: -

Some men are born with conditions that cause testosterone deficiency (TD), such as:

Basically, if your testicles produce less testosterone than normal, your blood testosterone levels will drop. Many men who develop TD have low T levels associated with:

Taking medications such as antidepressants and narcotic pain relievers. Men with certain medical conditions also tend to have low testosterone levels. Some of them are:
(i) HIV (about 30 in 100 also have low testosterone)
(ii) AIDS (about 50 out of 100 have low testosterone)

Diagnosis of Low testosterone: -

Although many symptoms can be associated with low testosterone (Low-T), The most crucial indicator of testosterone insufficiency is the amount of total testosterone in the blood.

Testing: -

Physicians may order these blood tests to identify low testosterone.

Side Effects of Low Testosterone: -

The doctor may ask about the symptoms and examine your scrotum to see if you have any infection symptoms.

They can also check your prostate for tenderness with a rectal exam. If these tests suspect epididymitis, then your doctor might ask for one or more tests. Such as,

1. Sexual function: -

Testosterone is the hormone mostly responsible for sexual desires and high libido in men. A drop in libido may be caused by a drop in testosterone. The potential that their sexiness and effectiveness would be impacted is one of the major concerns that men with diminishing testosterone levels have. The side effects of low testosterone are discussed below.

Men can have a variety of symptoms related to sexual function as they age, which may be brought on by decreased levels of this hormone. These include:

2. Physical changes: -

A number of physical changes can happen in the body if one has low testosterone levels. It promotes body hair, muscle growth, and a more manly physique in general. Physical alterations brought on by a drop in testosterone include the following:

3. Disruptions to sleep: -

Low testosterone can lead to fatigue, insomnia, and other abnormalities in sleep patterns, among other sleep disorders.

Testosterone replacement therapy may cause sleep apnea. A critical medical disorder called sleep apnea makes it so that your breathing continuously stops and starts while you sleep. It can alter your sleep cycle and increase your risk for other problems, such as having a stroke. Low testosterone can still result in fewer hours of sleep even if you do not have sleep apnea.

4. Emotional alterations: -

Low testosterone levels can alter one’s physical appearance as well as one’s emotional state. Depression or other depressive symptoms may result from the illness. Some people have memory and focus issues, which also results in decreased motivation and self-assurance.

A hormone that has an impact on controlling emotions is testosterone. Low testosterone levels in men have been associated with depression. This could result from a combination of irritability, decreased sexual drive, and fatigue that can come with low testosterone.

5. Drop in Energy: -

Fatigue is a common effect of low testosterone. Patients may feel that they do not have enough energy or might be incredibly tired. Your energy levels may increase if you get enough sleep. 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary each night.

6. Low-dose testosterone side effects: -

Low testosterone levels can impair your libido and create physical changes, sleep problems, and emotional regulation concerns. Treatment can either boost testosterone levels or alleviate symptoms.

Treatment of Low Testosterone: -

In recent years, there has been more media coverage of testosterone therapy (TT), and more men aged 40 to 64 have been tested and have undergone TT. Some men with certain symptoms may even want a TT without being tested. This action may not be safe or useful for them. Total testosterone levels should always be tested before any TT.

Only males who meet the clinical and laboratory definitions of testosterone deficit (testosterone level less than 300 ng/dL) should receive TT prescriptions. By treating low testosterone, the side effects of low testosterone will be diminished.

How to take Testosterone?

Five different ways to take testosterone are transdermal (through the skin), injectable, oral/buccal (mouth), intranasal (through the nose), and in the form of pellets under the skin. There is no superior approach. Your doctor will perform blood tests while you are on TT to measure your testosterone levels.

The five strategies are described in more detail below: –

1. Topical (transdermal):

Topical gels, creams, liquids, and patches are available. Topical medications usually last about four days. They absorb better when covered with an airtight or waterproof dressing. Apply liquids and gels, creams, or plasters to dry skin without cuts or scratches. Until it is time for the next dose, do not wash the area. Wash your hands after applying liquids, gels, or creams. Make sure that other people, especially women and children, do not touch the medicine. A topical patch is like a medicated patch. You put it on and leave it on until the next dose. Patch medicine is less likely to transfer to other people than liquids, gels, and creams.

2. Injection:

A short-acting drug can be given under the skin or into a muscle. The long-acting one is usually administered intramuscularly. Regular injection schedules include weekly, biweekly, and monthly administration.

3. Oral/buccal (mouth):

The buccal dose comes in a patch that you place over the incisor (cuspid or “eye tooth”). The medicine looks like a tablet, but you should not chew or swallow it. The medication has a 12-hour half-life. Compared to taking the medicine orally, this approach has less detrimental side effects on the liver but may cause headaches or irritation where you place it.

4. Intranasal:

This testosterone is available as a gel. You pump a dose into each nostril as directed. Typically, it is taken three times each day.

5. Pellets:

Your doctor will place testosterone pellets under the skin of the upper hip or buttock. Your doctor will give you an injection of a local anesthetic to numb your skin, then make a small incision and place the pellets into the fatty tissues under the skin. Depending on the quantity of pellets, this drug releases slowly over the course of 3-6 months.