Symptoms of prostatitis

Medically Reviewed by Dr Sravya, MBBS, MS 


Inflammation of the prostate gland is called prostatitis. In men, the prostate gland is about the size of a walnut and is located below the bladder. The prostate and other sex glands generate the fluid for semen that protects, energizes, and delivers sperm as they travel to the female egg during and after ejaculation. Approximately 10% of men have symptoms of prostatitis, of which 60% of people sought medical help. 

Symptoms of prostatitis

Men with these symptoms have infection, inflammation and pain. The prostate gland is a hormone dependent organ. The hormone testosterone governs the function and development of the prostate gland. This hormone is released by testicles into the bloodstream. As the testosterone enters the prostate gland, it contributes to the growth of the prostate. Without testosterone the prostate gland shrinks to a fraction of its normal size.  Adult men of any age can get prostatitis. 

Table of Contents

Types of prostatitis and symptoms

Acute bacterial prostatitis

Acute prostatitis occurs when bacteria are introduced into the prostate. These symptoms of prostatitis are drastic and occur instantly. Hence, men should seek immediate attention and medical care. In this type of bacterial prostatitis, infection occurs in the prostate gland with episodes of fever and chills, pain and burning while urinating, frequent urination with unpleasant odour, nocturia, urinary blockage and retention, blood in the urine/semen, nausea, vomiting, painful ejaculation, pain on defecation and heavy feeling behind the scrotum.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis are similar to that of acute prostatitis and are not severe. Bacteria get trapped in the prostate gland and show recurrent episodes that are difficult to treat. The symptoms of prostatitis last for three months and are mild to moderate.

Chronic prostatitis / pelvic pain syndrome

This is the most common type, as the name implies this is noticed by chronic pain in the pelvis, perineum, and genitals.

Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis

This is an inflammation of the prostate with no symptoms. This condition is identified during the diagnosis of other conditions. It is not due to bacterial infection but might be due to stress, nerve irritation, other injuries, or previous urinary tract infections.

Causes and contributing factors of prostatitis

Risk factors

Common risk factors in the development of  prostatitis includes catheter usage in a urinary tract infection, injured pelvis, HIV, infection of the reproductive system, prostate biopsy, nerve injuries and psychological stress.





Symptoms of prostatitis are common in men and are considered as the third most common urological disease in men. While there are different types of prostatitis chronic prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome is considered as the most challenging type as its nature and etiology are unknown. 

It needs antimicrobial therapy if it is caused by infection, which is seen in minor cases. In these cases fluoroquinolones are considered as drugs of choice according to some clinical studies. Chronic prostatitis also accompanies significant impairment in quality of life and daily activities. A variety of treatments are involved to treat this prostatitis. 

A meaningful conversation with a doctor is the first step to getting healthy. Finally, they come up with individual treatment plans. 

Frequently Asked Questions

No, many years ago, it was said that prostatitis can lead to cancer of the prostate. But recent data shows there is no relation between prostatitis and prostate cancer.

The man must tell his sexual partner as it may affect their health.


Yes, many of them have the same symptoms of prostatitis like interstitial cystitis, urinary infections, spinal stenosis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and testicular infections.


Yes, there are many sexual problems. About 60 percent of men will have painful ejaculations, about 65 percent of men present premature ejaculation, and 15 – 45 percent of men say that they have erectile dysfunction.

Beyond first line agents, phytotherapy / herbal products, medication for neuropathic pain may be beneficial. Alternative therapies are usually preferred after referral to a urologist.