Treatment of varicocele

Medically Reviewed by Dr Sravya, MBBS, MS 


A varicocele is a blowup of the modes within the loose bag of skin that holds the testicles(scrotum). These modes transport oxygen-depleted blood from the testicles. Varicoceles are enlarged pampiniform supersystem modes in the scrotum, forming during puberty.

treatment of varicocele

They are more common on the left side of the scrotum and can grow larger over time. About 15 boys out of 100 have a varicocele, which usually doesn’t cause problems or discomfort. Less frequently, varicoceles can cause pain, growth issues, or shrinking testicles. Varicocele is a common complaint involving enlarged scrotum modes, similar to swollen legs. It can cause testicular pain and infertility in some individuals. However, if unaffected, treatment of varicoceles may not be necessary.#symptoms

Table of Contents

Can varicoceles affect fertility?

Yes, varicoceles can affect fertility in some people. Varicoceles can contribute to about 40 of all cases of manly gravidity. Still, numerous people with varicoceles have no problems achieving gestation. Medical experts do not understand what part varicoceles play in gravidity. The temperature inside your scrotum may increase due to the buildup of blood in the modes. The advanced temperature affecting both testicles may affect sperm count or product. Talk to a healthcare provider if you suspect you have gravidity. Fertility enterprises  are the top reason why people admit to treatment of varicocele.

Classification of Varicoceles

The association between infertility, ipsilateral testicular atrophy, and varicoceles is based on clinically palpable disease. Varicoceles are evaluated on three severity levels: Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3. Imaging plays a significant role in the diagnosis of varicoceles, as clinical scoring is subjective and depends on sinologist expertise.

Physical Examination

Colour Doppler Ultrasonography(CDU)

Spermatic Venography


Diagnostic accuracy of methods to detect venous reflux to the pampiniform plexus (Varicoceles).

Sensitivity (%)
Specificity (%)
Accuracy (%)
Physical Exam
Colour Doppler ultrasound

Symptoms of Varicoceles

Varicoceles generally don’t have any symptoms, still, you may notice:

Diagnosis of Varicoceles

Causes of Varicoceles

Treatment of Varicoceles

Varicoceles aren’t treated frequently. Treatment is offered for males who have the following issues:

1. Microscopic varicocelectomy involves a 1cm cut above the scrotum, tying off small veins using a microscope, taking 2 to 3 hours, and allowing the patient home on the same day.
2. Laparoscopic varicocelectomy is a shorter, 30-40 minute procedure that involves the insertion of thin tubes in the abdomen and vein ligation, allowing patients to return home the same day.4


The study found statistically significant advancements in sperm attention and overall motility after treatment of grade 1 varicocele, while lesser advancements were observed in grade 2-3 varicoceles. Incorporating varicocele grade into decision-making could improve the
treatment of varicocele outcomes. Acute varicoceles in children or adult males should always be treated as an acute condition. Timely diagnosis and surgical treatment of varicocele is essential to avoid permanent ischemic damage to the testis. Fortunately, most medical conditions that cause this syndrome are not urgent. An accurate diagnosis can be made based on history, physical examination, and imaging studies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, males can acquire fungal infections, particularly in the genital area. Although it is less frequent in men than in women, men must recognize the signs and seek proper treatment. 

No, fungal infections are not classified as sexually transmitted infections. However, sexual activity can sometimes upset the natural balance, increasing the risk of infection.

While vaginal yeast infections are more frequent in women, they can occur in men as well, mainly through sexual transfer.

For minor yeast infections, over-the-counter antifungal treatments can be beneficial. However, if symptoms persist or worsen, it is essential to seek medical attention.

Stress can impair the immune system, making it more difficult to battle illnesses such as yeast infections.